Q grader

Q-Grader is the coffee taster certified by the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI). Q-Graders are members of a global community. This is the highest title in coffee tasting. There are around 6,481 Q-Graders in 87 countries. In Greece, there are 10 certified “coffee specialists”, of whom three work in Coffee Island. A Q-Grader is able to evaluate, score and also set market prices of green coffee. It is of paramount importance that Q-Graders are calibrating their taste buds quite regularly. Q-Grader’s title has to be renewed every 5 years.

Master of wine

The Master of Wine is the certified wine taster and wine expert from the Institute of Masters of Wine. It is the highest title in wine tasting. In 30 countries, there are a total of 380 Masters of Wine and 3 are Greeks. Unlike the Q-Grader title, the title of Master of Wine (MW) is attributed once – no review needed – and those who receive the title have the right to use it in their name. At the same time, their name is listed in the MW list. Masters of Wine, after passing the Institute’s examination, in order to get the title, are required to sign the Institute’s Code of Conduct, in which they promise to act with integrity and honesty, as well as to share their knowledge on every occasion.

Q vs. MW



In conclusion, certified Q-graders compared to Masters of Wine do not have much in common. However, they do share the same love for their scope (coffee vs. wine), as well as the patience needed to achieve their goal. Additionally, both Q-Graders and Masters of Wine are called to match coffee and wine respectively, with flavours such as snacks and breakfasts or lunch and dinner.
The sure thing is that by swirling your wine in the glass, you can travel again and again through the aromas, flavours and vineyards of the world. Similarly, once your coffee is served, getting close to your mug and let the flavours and aromas all the way to the coffee farms around the world.

Nikos Koumaniotis – Coffee Roaster

Kiki Deftereou – R&D